诺基亚N900 安装kali[转]

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Here is a working port of Kali Linux Rolling Edition with Kernel 4.5 for our Nokia N900 device.
This port is much more stable than my previous port, I have not faced any kernel panic errors, segmentation faults etc.
Everything that worked in my previous port should work in this port.

I have attached working kali-rolling rootfs image to this post along with installation instructions.

Installation instructions:

Step 1: Get a 8GB or more sized memory card.
Step 2: Extract 'kali-rolling.7z' file, it will give you 'kali-rolling.img' file.
Step 3: Insert your memory card to a linux system.
Step 4: Write the extracted 'kali-rolling.img' file to your sdcard (sudo dd if=/path to the extracted .img file/kali-rolling.img of=/dev/sdx bs=1M (here replace x with your sdcard device letter)).
Step 5: Install pali's U-Boot in your phone (Maemo).
Step 6: Copy '' file to your phone memory, and run it as root user ('$ sudo gainroot' then '# ./').
Step 7: Insert your sdcard into your phone.
Step 8: Switch off and slide up your phone then switch on. And choose Kali-Rolling OS from the list.
Step 9: Configure your Kali OS on your first boot.
Step 10: Login with username 'user' and password with the password that you have specified during configuration.
Step 11: After everything works fine, shutdown your device and resize your sdcard's existing partition using any partition managing tool and you can add a 'swap' partition to your sdcard if you want.


Kali Linux Rolling Edition for Nokia N900!2877&authkey=!AB42UZ2e9SYgjMY&ithint=folder%2csh


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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
