[更新]暴力破解工具Hydra 7.5版本发布

  • A+



2、增加Asterisk Call Manager模块


* hydra main:
   - reduced the screen output if run without -h, full screen with -h
   - fix for ipv6 and port parsing with service://[ipv6address]:port/OPTIONS
   - fixed -o output (thanks to www417)
   - warning if HYDRA_PROXY is defined but the module does not use it
   - fixed an issue with large input files and long entries
* hydra library:
   - SSL connections are now fixed to SSLv3 as some SSL servers fail otherwise, report if this gives you problems
   - removed support for old OPENSSL libraries
* HTTP Form module:
   - login and password values are now encoded if special characters are present
   - ^USER^ and ^PASS^ are now also supported in H= header values
   - if you the colon as a value in your option string, you can now escape it with \: - but do not encode a \ with \\
* Mysql module: protocol 10 is now supported
* SMTP, POP3, IMAP modules: Disabled the TLS in default. TLS must now be
  defined as an option "TLS" if required. This increases performance.
* Cisco module: fixed a small bug (thanks to Vitaly McLain)
* Postgres module: libraries on Cygwin are buggy at the moment, module is therefore
  disabled on Cygwin


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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: