快速的渗透测试套件 – Raspberry Pwn

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Raspberry Pwn是一套开源的渗透测试框架,安全爱好者可以利用该套件进行渗透测试或审计用。这套开源的产品包含以下测试工具:

SET Fasttrack kismet aircrack-ng nmap dsniff netcat nikto xprobe scapy wireshark tcpdump ettercap hping3 medusa macchanger nbtscan john ptunnel p0f ngrep tcpflow openvpn iodine httptunnel cryptcat sipsak yersinia smbclient sslsniff tcptraceroute pbnj netdiscover netmask udptunnel dnstracer sslscan medusa ipcalc dnswalk socat onesixtyone tinyproxy dmitry fcrackzip ssldump fping ike-scan gpsd darkstat swaks arping tcpreplay sipcrack proxychains proxytunnel siege sqlmap wapiti skipfish w3af


1:Change to the root user: # sudo -i
2:Confirm your Raspberry Pi Debian release is at least 6.0: # cat /etc/debian_version
3:Confirm you have internet access from your Raspberry Pi # ping google.com
4:Install git: # aptitude -y install git
5:Download the Raspberry Pwn installer from the Pwnie Express Github repository: # git clone https://github.com/pwnieexpress/Raspberry-Pwn.git
6:CD into the Raspberry-Pwn folder and run the install script: # cd Raspberry-Pwn: # ./INSTALL_raspberry_pwn.sh


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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
