
  • A+


在攻防对抗的过程中,SOC专家、事件响应人员、攻击调查人员以及网络安全分析人员需要将IoCs(Indicator of Compromise,入侵指示器)、网络流量等其它收集到的信息关联起来分析——这其实也是威胁情报的重要作用。但是,并非所有的企业都有足够的预算研发威胁情报平台。




    BeautifulSoup, 几乎所有的插架都会用到

    dnspython-1.12.0, mainly used by 主要由CymruWhois插件使用

    ipwhois-0.11.1, PyWhois插架使用

    python-deepviz-master, DeepViz插件使用(它需要API key) – 此时,DeepViz插件还没有向公众开放

    python-whois-0.5.2, PyWhois插件会用到

    pythonwhois-2.4.3, PyWhois插件会用到

    requests, ThreatCrowd插件使用(请求限制根据https://github.com/threatcrowd/ApiV2)

注意:OSTrICa适用于版本>= 2.7.9的Python环境。



> python main.py

OSTrICa v.0.5 - Open Source Threat Intellicence Collector

Developed by: Roberto Sponchioni - @Ptr32Void <[email protected]>

write "help" for help

> help

Following options are available

        domain - used to collect domains information

        Example: domain=google.com or domain=google.com,yahoo.com

        ip - used to collect IP information

        Example: ip= or ip=,

        md5 - used to collect MD5 information

        sha256 - used to collect SHA256 information

        asn - used to collect ASN information

        email - used to collect email information

        graph - generate a graph based on all the information collected

        cola_graph - generate a graph based on all the information collected where nodes do not overlap (it might take a while to generate the graph if there are lots of nodes)

        gclean - clear graph information

        show - show all information that will be collected

        run - extract intelligece information

        help - this help

        plugins - show available plugins





>[email protected]



Output created in C:\Users\Roberto\Documents\GitHub\OSTrICa\report\a0b983ae-e30a-46dc-a1d0-b59e661595c0

> graph

Graph generated in C:\Users\Roberto\Documents\GitHub\OSTrICa\viz\f4da8f02-ec9c-4700-9345-bd715de7789f.html


> run

Running DeepViz() on 747b3fd525de1af0a56985aa29779b86

Running VT() on 747b3fd525de1af0a56985aa29779b86

cleanup VirusTotal...

Running DeepViz() on 2fdeb22d2fa29878dca12fb493df24df

Running VT() on 2fdeb22d2fa29878dca12fb493df24df

cleanup VirusTotal...

Running BlackListChecker() on tinyor.info

cleanup BlackListChecker...

Running DomainBigData() on tinyor.info

cleanup DomainBigData...


    graph, 基于所有收集的信息生成图像

    cola_graph, 基于所有收集的信息生成图像,并且不会重叠节点。




    ThreatCrowd – 开发者 Ptr32Void

    BlackLists – 开发者 Ptr32Void

    CymruWhois – 开发者 Ptr32Void

    DomainBigData – 开发者 Ptr32Void

    NortonSafeWeb – 开发者 Ptr32Void

    PyWhois – 开发者 Ptr32Void

    SafeBrowsing – 开发者 Ptr32Void

    SpyOnWeb – 开发者 Ptr32Void

    TCPIPutils – 开发者 Ptr32Void

    VirusTotal – 开发者 Ptr32Void

    WebSiteInformer – 开发者 Ptr32Void

    WhoisXmlApi – 开发者 Ptr32Void




# intelligence is the IoC provided (eg.: [email protected])

# extraction_type is the typology (eg.: an MD5 or email, etc)

def run(intelligence, extraction_type):

# function run is the core part of the plugin. It is used to collect the information and afterwards it returns back JSON data as per below:

    .... code used to collect Intelligence ....

    # a dictionary where extraction_type is the type (md5, email, etc) and intelligence_dictionary is the JSON data collected by the plugin

    return {'extraction_type': extraction_type, 'intelligence_information':intelligence_dictionary}

# nodes are passed by OSTrICa itself and should never be overwritten but updated because they might contain details related to the previously collected information

# edges are passed by OSTrICa itself and should never be overwritten but updated because they might contain details related to the previously collected information

# json_data is the json output collected by the plugin

def data_visualization(nodes, edges, json_data):


def data_visualization(nodes, edges, json_data):

    return nodes, edges


from ostrica.utilities.cfg import Config as cfg # used to include configuration data

# used to identify what kind of data the plugin can extract:

# ip = IP Address information

# domain = Domain information

# asn = ASN information

# md5 = MD5 information

# sha256 = SHA256 information

# email = Email information

extraction_type = [cfg.intelligence_type['ip'], cfg.intelligence_type['domain'], cfg.intelligence_type['asn']]

# True if plugin is enabled, False if not

enabled = True

# Plugin Version

version = 0.1

# Developer(s) name and contact

developer = 'Your Name <Your Email>'

# Plugin Description

description = 'Plugin used to collect information about IPs, domains or ASNs on SafeBrowsing'

# True if visualization module is available for the plugin, False otherwise

visual_data = True



* 参考来源:github,felix编译,安云网转载自FreeBuf.COM

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  • 我的微信公众号
  • 我的微信公众号扫一扫
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