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consul常常被用来作服务注册与服务发现,而它的watch机制则可被用来监控一些数据的更新,包括:nodes, KV pairs, health checks等。另外,在监控到数据变化后,还可以调用外部处理程序,此处理程序可以是任何可执行文件或HTTP调用,具体说明可见官网

watch 探究

根据官方描述,watch的实现依赖于consul的 HTTP APIblocking queries 。引用官方的文档:

Many endpoints in Consul support a feature known as “blocking queries”. A blocking query is used to wait for a potential change using long polling. Not all endpoints support blocking, but each endpoint uniquely documents its support for blocking queries in the documentation.

Endpoints that support blocking queries return an HTTP header named X-Consul-Index. This is a unique identifier representing the current state of the requested resource.

On subsequent requests for this resource, the client can set the index query string parameter to the value of X-Consul-Index, indicating that the client wishes to wait for any changes subsequent to that index.

也就是说,blocking queries 属于长轮询的一种,如果 consul 的 http api (官方称作endpoint)支持 blocking queries,那么之后对该api 进行请求的时候添加index参数,那么该请求将会被阻塞,直到其请求的数据有变化时才会响应结果,换句话说,就是对该 endpoint 启动了长轮询。

  1. 以生产环境启动consul的一个agent:
  1. 在consul中添加一个键值对:
./consul kv put loglevel ERROR
  1. 启动一个访问consul kv数据中心的 http api:
curl -v http://localhost:8500/v1/kv/loglevel

在我这里,该api请求返回的响应头中的 X-Consul-Index的值为9981

  1. 对上一步的api添加index请求参数继续请求:
curl -v http://localhost:8500/v1/kv/loglevel?index=9981


  1. 在另一个terminal命令行中,更新第二步添加的key的值:
./consul kv put loglevel INFO


上述步骤演示了watch利用 blocking queries 对KV进行监控,而正如文章开始说的,watch还支持对其他数据类型进行监控,其监控的数据类型有以下这些:

  • key - Watch a specific KV pair
  • keyprefix - Watch a prefix in the KV store
  • services - Watch the list of available services
  • nodes - Watch the list of nodes
  • service- Watch the instances of a service
  • checks - Watch the value of health checks
  • event - Watch for custom user events


Golang 实现watch 对服务变化的监控

consul官方提供了Golang版的watch包。其实际上也是对watch机制进行了一层封装,最终代码实现的还是对consul HTTP API 的 endpoints的使用。
文章开始说过,“在监控到数据变化后,还可以调用外部处理程序”。是了,数据变化后调用外部处理程序才是有意义的,Golang的watch包中对应的外部处理程序是一个函数handler。因为业务的关系,这里只实现了watch对service的变化的监控,其主要创建了一个plan 来对整个服务的变化做一个监控,以及再为每个服务创建一个 plan,对单个服务变化作监控。话不多说,上代码:

package main

import (
consulapi "github.com/hashicorp/consul/api"

type WatchHandler interface {
Handler(uint64, interface{})

// ConsulWatch used to store all  plans
type ConsulWatch struct {
watchers map[string]*watch.Plan // store plans
RWMutex  *sync.RWMutex

// Handler used to watch whole consul services changes
func (c ConsulWatch) Handler(_ uint64, data interface{}) {
switch d := data.(type) {
// "services" watch type returns map[string][]string type. follow:https://www.consul.io/docs/dynamic-app-config/watches#services
case map[string][]string:
fmt.Println("d: ", d)
for k := range d {
if _, ok := c.watchers[k]; ok || k == "consul" {
// start creating one watch plan to watch every service

// read watchers and delete deregister services
defer c.RWMutex.RUnlock()
watchers := c.watchers
fmt.Println("watchers: ", watchers)
for k, plan := range watchers {
if _, ok := d[k]; !ok {
delete(watchers, k)
fmt.Printf("can't decide the watch type: %v\n", &d)

// NewWatchPlan new watch plan
func NewWatchPlan(watchType string, opts map[string]interface{}, handler WatchHandler) (*watch.Plan, error) {
var options = map[string]interface{}{
"type": watchType,
// combine params
for k, v := range opts {
options[k] = v
pl, err := watch.Parse(options)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pl.Handler = handler.Handler
return pl, nil

func RunWatchPlan(plan *watch.Plan, address string) error {
defer plan.Stop()
err := plan.Run(address)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("run consul error: ", err)
return err
return nil

func StartConsulWatch() {
// please replace 10.xx.xx.xx with the ture ip address.
address := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", "10.xx.xx.xx", 8500)
cw := ConsulWatch{
watchers: make(map[string]*watch.Plan),
RWMutex:  new(sync.RWMutex),
wp, err := NewWatchPlan("services", nil, cw)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("new watch plan failed: %v\n", err)
err = RunWatchPlan(wp, address)
if err != nil {

// ServiceWatch is single service
type ServiceWatch struct {
Address string

func (s ServiceWatch) Handler(_ uint64, data interface{}) {
switch d := data.(type) {
case []*consulapi.ServiceEntry:
for _, entry := range d {
fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("service ip %s ", entry.Service.Address))
fmt.Println("service status: ", entry.Checks.AggregatedStatus())


func (c ConsulWatch) InsertServiceWatch(serviceName string) {
serviceOpts := map[string]interface{}{
"service": serviceName,
sw := ServiceWatch{
// please replace 10.xx.xx.xx with the ture ip address.
Address: fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", "10.xx.xx.xx", 8500),
servicePlan, err := NewWatchPlan("service", serviceOpts, sw)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("new service watch failed: %v", err)

go func() {
_ = RunWatchPlan(servicePlan, sw.Address)
defer c.RWMutex.Unlock()
c.watchers[serviceName] = servicePlan

func main() {

当启动consul Agent后,运行上述代码,然后注册服务(服务注册的代码可利用搜索引擎),观察代码运行的结果。


  1. Consul-Watches
  2. Immediate response on changes in Consul
  3. 玩转CONSUL(1)–WATCH机制探究
  4. avast/consul.go
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