- A+
[output file]
<?php function rstr() //Random String Function { $len=rand(3,6); $chr=''; for($i=1;$i<=$len;$i++) { $chr.=rand(0,1) ? chr(rand(65,90)) : chr(rand(97,122)); } return $chr; } function enjumble($data) //Custom Encoding + Base64 + gzinflate() { for($i=0;$i<strlen($data);$i++) { $data[$i]=chr(ord($data[$i])+1); } return base64_encode(gzdeflate($data,9)); } function striptag($in) //Remove '<?php' from initial code { $pos = strpos($in,"<?php"); //to do: add support for short_tags if(is_numeric($pos)) { for($i=$pos;$i<=$pos+4 && strlen($in) >=5;$i++) { $in[$i]=' '; } return $in; } else { return $in; } } function makeoutfile($str) { $funcname=rstr(); $varname='$'.rstr(); $template= "<?php function ".$funcname."($varname) { $varname=gzinflate(base64_decode($varname)); for(\$i=0;\$i<strlen($varname);\$i++) { ".$varname."[\$i] = chr(ord(".$varname."[\$i])-1); } return $varname; }eval($funcname(\""; $str=enjumble($str); $template = $template . $str."\"));?>"; return $template; } function main($argc,$argv) { $banner= "\n +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ |+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| |+ +| +____ _ _ _ +| / __ \ | | | | (_) +| | / \/ __ _ _ __ | |__ _ _ | | __ _ _ __ ___ _ _ __ _+|_ | | / _` || '__|| '_ \ | | | || | / _` || '_ ` _ \ | || '_ \ / _ \ | \__/\| (_| || | | |_) || |_| || || (_| || | | | | || || | | || __/ \____/ \__,_||_| |_.__/ \__, ||_| \__,_||_| |_| |_||_||_| |_| \___| |+ __/ | +| |+ Carbylamine PHP Encoder +| |+ v0.1.1 Nightly +| |+ +| |+ +| |+ Coded by Prakhar Prasad +| |+ (prakharpd@gmail.com) +| |+ +| |+ +| |+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| +-------------------------------------------------------------------+\n\n"; $usage="$banner Syntax: ".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']." <file to encode> <output file>\n"; if($argc==1) {echo $usage ; die();} if($argc>1) $file = $argv[1]; if($argc>2) $outfile = $argv[2]; if(empty($file) || empty($outfile)) { echo "Input/Output filename not entered!\n\n\x07" ;die();} if(!file_exists($file)) { echo "$banner Error: Input file doesn't exist\n\n\x07"; } else{ $orginal_size=round(filesize($file)/1024,2); echo "$banner Encoding : $file ($orginal_size KB) \n\n "; $output_filename=$outfile; $outfile=fopen($outfile,'w+'); $file=fread(fopen($file,'r'),filesize($file)); $outdata=makeoutfile(striptag($file)); $newsize=round(strlen($outdata)/1024,2); echo " Compression : ".@round(100-(($newsize*100)/($orginal_size!=0?$orginal_size:1)),2)."%\n\n"; if(!fwrite($outfile,$outdata)) { echo " Unable to write to $output_filename\n\n\x07"; } else { echo " Successfully Encoded! to $output_filename\n\n" ; }}} main($argc,$argv); ?>
- 我的微信
- 这是我的微信扫一扫
- 我的微信公众号
- 我的微信公众号扫一扫